Get Involved!

Is there a class you want to see taught at Radical Sunday School? Is there a class in our archive that you’d like to see come back to RSS? Maybe there’s a topic you’re really passionate about, and you’d be interested in helping us organize a class about it? Remember, we’re not only looking for experts with fancy degrees: Radical Sunday School is a place for anyone to learn and to help other people learn about the things that matter in our lives.

If that sounds interesting to you, we have a simple form you can fill out about the kinds of classes you’d like to see offered, or would like to help run!

Below, you can see a list of classes we’ve been asked about! We’ll be updating the list as often as we can, and we’ll try to put together some knowledge for our communities

Classes people would like to take:

  • How to talk about politics with liberals (and even conservatives)
  • Why should we write? / how to write as an activist
  • How to make subversive/activist art? (What is subversive/activist art?)
  • How to make graffiti art?
  • How to fix bikes

Classes someone has offered to teach:

  • Basic Economics
  • Settler Colonialism 
  • Socratic Design 
  • Non-violent communication 
  • Nature-awareness school style inductive nature teachings